Day of the Russian Geographical Society at Pervozdannaya Rossiya Festival

Photo by: Gennady Yusin
Photo by: Gennady Yusin

The Day of the Russian Geographical Society will be held at the Pervozdannaya Rossiya (Primordial Russia) Festival on February 17. Visitors at the Central House of Artists in Moscow will enjoy various lectures, film shows and interesting meetings that will last till evening.

At 12:00 p.m. Vladislav Leonov from the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences will speak about one of the most unusual and beautiful phenomena on Earth - the polar aurora. How is it produced? How is this natural phenomenon studied? Are there similar processes on other planets? At the meeting you can find answers to these and other questions.

At 2:00 p.m. photographer and researcher Alexander Lyskin will disclose secrets of composition in photography and will speak about his fascinating expeditions around Russia.

At 4:00 p.m. guests can listen to the lecture of Roman Prokhorov, a restorer and diver of the Underwater Experimental Center of the Russian Geographical Society - ‘Underwater archeology: searching, studying and preserving diverse sites of archaeological heritage.’ The researcher will share stories about found artifacts and tricks of underwater archaeological works.

At 5:00 p.m. representatives of the ‘Inspired by Russia. Russian World Music’ project dedicated to the development of ethnic music in Russia will appear on the scene. Accompanied by the Moscow gusli ensemble -  "Goodi Gorazdo" – bloggers, young ethnographers, producers and musicians will talk about unique ideas that form a new look at Russia and its image.

Moreover, everyone will be able to watch films created with the support of the Society. Such as: "Life with bacteria", "Let's Live" and "The Arctic through the Looking Glass".

There will also be a geographical quiz with memorable prizes.

Date: February 17, 2018  

Address: Moscow, the Central House of Artists, Krymsky Val, 10/14