Documentary "The Great Northern Way" Premiered in Moscow

Photo by: Leonid Kruglov
Photo by: Leonid Kruglov

October 8, the Moscow lecture hall of Russian Geographical Society was full: the documentary "The Great Northern Way" was premiered there. The film was made with the support of the Russian Geographical Society. Film director, author of the film Leonid Kruglov presented it.  


Photo by: Leonid Kruglov
Photo by: Leonid Kruglov

When shooting the film, Leonid Kruglov together with his team covered 10 000 km along the legendary route of Semyon Dezhnev, the great Russian Explorer of Northern and Eastern Siberia. In the middle of the XVII century Dezhnev made the discovery of world importance: he got to the strait separating Asia and America, thereby proving that the continents are separate. 


Photo by: Leonid Kruglov
Photo by: Leonid Kruglov

The shooting lasted four years and took place in seven regions of Russia – from the Arkhangelsk region to Chukotka. The researchers made their way to the Republic of Komi by dog sledding together with the expedition of Fedor Konyukhov, they went to Tobolsk by deer sledding, travelled on a small single-rotor aircraft over the Putorana plateau, and reached the "cold pole" in the village of Oymyakon. The travelers, as well as the Cossacks-explorers, passed through the ice of the Laptev Sea to Chukotka. The expedition members learnt the Chukchi’s way of life: hunting in the ice, living in yarangas.


Photo by: Leonid Kruglov
Photo by: Leonid Kruglov

This large-scale film expedition resulted in a film about the history of the development of the Arctic areas of this country, the most beautiful hard-to-reach places in Russia, and their inhabitants. 

After the film, the guests asked Leonid Kruglov different questions.


Photo by: Leonid Kruglov
Photo by: Leonid Kruglov

The audience noted that they felt as if they themselves have followed the famous route: they felt the cold, saw Northern sunrises and sunsets. Some guests had associations with the ancient Greek «Illiade» and «Odyssey».

The film director thanked the audience and promised that he would soon go to new film expeditions.

The film will be released in November.