The RGS Has Published the "Geography of the Himalayas" Book

Photo: Viktor Zatolokin
Photo: Viktor Zatolokin

The Russian Geographical Society has published the illustrated book "Geography of the Himalayas". It is based on scientific research data obtained in the course of the international project of the RGS Regional Branch of Krasnodar, "Russian Heritage of the Himalayas. Continuing the Way", aimed to update the heritage of Russian travelers and researchers of the Himalayan mountain system.

The author of the book is the Deputy Chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor Yury Efremov. He systematized disparate geographic materials, summarized and supplemented the data of well-known literary sources with unique information obtained during field work in the territories of Nepal, India, Bhutan and Pakistan. In particular, during the expeditions, the explorers collected samples for studying physical geography, described the geological structure, topography and modern geomorphological processes, gathered ethnographic material for the museum fund of the Russian Geological Society.


The "Geography of the Himalays" book
The "Geography of the Himalays" book

The natural and recreational resources of the territories, religious and cultural traditions of the population, agriculture and industry in the mountain region are described in the book. Also there are the appendix that provides information about the 8000m and rules of behavior in the mountains for climbers and tourists.

The "Geography of the Himalayas" book was prepared and published at the expense of a grant from the Russian Geographical Society. It was released by the publishing house "Традиция" ("Tradition") in Russian and English languages and supplemented with 350 colorful illustrations. The book is designed for a wide range of readers - geographers, students, graduate students, tourists and climbers, people interested in the geography of the highest mountain system of the planet.