With the victory from Daugavpils

The team of Russia at the geographical Olympiad of the Baltic region
The team of Russia at the geographical Olympiad of the Baltic region

There was held the 3rd Geographical Olympiad of the Baltic region (Baltic iGeo-2016) from 28th of June to the 1st of July in Daugavpils (Latvia), in the Olympiad there took part the teams of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Russia. Based on its results the Russian team brought home the medals of merits, and one of our children became the absolute winner of the tournament.



The absolute winner of the tournament BaltGeo-2016 Oleg Zhelezniy is being handed the diploma by Gatis Khampernovs
The absolute winner of the tournament BaltGeo-2016 Oleg Zhelezniy is being handed the diploma by Gatis Khampernovs

Our team has come to the BaltGeo for the second time, composed of six members and three leaders – Nikita Mozgunov, Pavel Kirillov (The Lomonosov Moscow State University) and Dmitry Bogachev (Orlov State University called after Ivan Turgenev). As a result of the Olympic Games a muscovite Oleg Zhelezniy became the overall winner and received a gold diploma, Mikhail Maximenko (Krasnodar) and Alexandr Varentsov (Moscow) won a silver, and Alexander Gerasimov (St. Petersburg) and Julia Grabareva (Moscow) won bronze diplomas.

Traditionally the format was the most as close as possible to the main international Olympiad on Geography under the auspices of the International Geographical Union (IGU) - iGeo-2016, which will take place in Beijing in August. During several days the participants have been not just solving geographical tasks, they have been surveying the area, analyzed the materials of field observations and statistics, have been thinking over applied and theoretical issues.

For instance, the tasks of the first practical tour were connected with drawing mental maps, and with the perspectives of the development of the territory of the Daugavpils fortress, where the tour took place on the eve. The second practical round of the Olympiad suggested the field research of the territory of the Griva district – southern part of Daugavpils on the left bank of the Daugava, for the purpose of zoning of the territory and studying the existing system of facilities for flood prevention, later on the presented data, it was coming model analysis of the processes.


Tour of the central part of Daugavpils before the practical stage of the Olympiad
Tour of the central part of Daugavpils before the practical stage of the Olympiad

Tasks of theoretical stages demanded from the children knowledge in the field of geology, climatology, agricultural geography, wildlife, and the concept of «green revolution» as well. In the final of the Olympic Games the participants answered 50 issues of multimedia test, combining factual, logical and creative tasks on various subjects on various subjects. All tasks had been written and demanded answers in English.

We congratulate all the team with a remarkable and successful performance at the Olympics BaltGeo-2016! We wish you a successful performance in Beijing and further geographical wins!

The photo is provided by the participants of the Olympiad.