We got the first video of a big tiger family in “Land of the Leopard”

Photo: National Park "Land of the Leopard"

Scientists of the National Park “Land of the Leopard” got interesting video of the Siberian tiger. This time three predators got caught by the the camera. Video can be seen here.

Tigers go straight on the road, quickly, purposefully and almost «march in paw.” In the middle – the largest of them, while the smallest – on the left. It is hard to call it a kitten : the beast is clearly older than a year. However, experts have no doubt that there were young individuals of the Siberian tiger on the video, not yet separated from their mother.

“Since the tiger is a single animal, then for sure, only a mother with two cubs or three young tigers from the same litter could have been caught in front of the camera, – says Dina Matyukhina, researcher at “Land of the Leopard». – The animals in the video are about 1.5-2 years, and at this age the cubs are ready for independent living, although still can walk with their mother, so in this regard there is nothing unique here. Young males around the age of 2 are usually larger than their mother».

At the same time, the specialists are not yet sure whether there is the mother of the brood among the trinity. Perhaps she is in the middle, but scientists will be able to give a more precise answer only after careful examination of all photos and videos with the tigers received in the area of the national park.

«Video was made in the north of the National Park, where previously regular surveys of tigers were not conducted as all camera traps were set up there in the field characteristic of leopards. But now, in order to study the tiger population precisely there starts the installation of new photo and video traps, and soon we will have more information on its quantity and composition, “- says Dina Matyukhina.

According to scientists, the received shots suggest that the reproduction of rare predators in the north of the National Park is at normal pace. Usually tigress bring from 1 to 5 kittens while only 1-2 of them survive, as in the first year half of the kittens die for various reasons. Therefore, if it turns out that all the three tigers in the video are brothers and sisters, this family can be rightfully be called a large.

Scientists of  “Land of the Leopard» have recently shared another interesting video featuring two tigers.