To Wild Cats on Foot or by Bike

Photo by: Valery Maleev. Provided by the  "Far Eastern Leopard" organization
Photo by: Valery Maleev. Provided by the "Far Eastern Leopard" organization

A cycling and hiking route will be opened for the first time in the Land of the Leopard National Park in Primorye, which will allow not only to spend leisure time with health benefits, but also to visit the habitat of Far Eastern leopard and the Amur tiger.

The "Land of the Leopard" is a national park organized in Primorsky region in 2012. The project is aimed at preserving and restoring the population of the Far Eastern leopard, the rarest large cat in the world, the number of which in Russia, according to the latest data, is 84 individuals. In addition, here lives another cat, the Amur tiger, which is listed in the Red Data Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature

The route passes along the southern part of the "Land of the Leopard", along the river Semivestka, in honor of which the direction got its name. The trails lies on the peaks and ridges of the mountains, from which visitors of the park can see breathtaking panoramic views of the Amursky Gulf and even the bridges of Vladivostok. The route is suitable for walking by bicycle or on foot, as well as for practicing Scandinavian walking


Photo by: Anna Utitsky
Photo by: Anna Utitsky

"Experienced travelers will appreciate the variety of routes five, seven and ten kilometers in length, and those who prefer free walks in nature will enjoy mild slopes," said Anna Utitskikh, a senior specialist of the environmental education department of the Land of the Leopard National Park.

The route will be opened at the height of the 2018 summer season. Now the park staff has completed equipping the route with the necessary infrastructure: information stands about the national park, rules of behavior and fire safety, navigation signs and places for recreation.

For visiting it is necessary to get an entrance ticket to the national park in the visit-center of the “Land of the Leopard". Together with the entrance ticket the guests will receive a detailed map of the route. Since the tourists are in the wild nature in the national park, every visitor should read the safety rules..