Commission of Tourism Development

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Chairman of the Commission

Kotlyakov Vladimir 

Honorary President of the Society, director of  Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor

Since the founding of the Russian Geographic Society high emphasis was placed on travel for the purpose of collection, compilation and dissemination of reliable geographical information. Scientific expeditions of the Russian Geographical Society (RGS) played a significant role in the territorial development of Russia, the development of the Great oceans, the discovery and study of new lands.

In the Development Strategy of the Russian Geographical Societyadopted in 2012 there is a comprehensive geographical cognition of Russia and of the world in all its diversity, which contributes to the realization of creative potential of our homeland and its citizens.

In this regard, the priorities of the Russian Geographical Society are:

Promotion of natural, historical and cultural heritage of Russia as a matter of national pride;

Attracting attention of a wide international and Russian public to the unique historical, cultural and geographical features of our country for intensive development of tourism in Russia.

The Russian Federation has a high tourism and recreational potential. There are unique natural and recreational resources, objects of national and international cultural and historical heritage focused on its territory. There are important economic, sports and cultural events go on in our country. Historical, cultural and natural heritage of Russia is the most important competitive advantage of the tourism industry in the country. In 2014 there were about 500 historic cities, more than 140 thousand historical and cultural monuments, of which 25 thousand are facilities of federal significance, 108 conservation areas, 102 state nature reserves, 39 national parks and 68 nature reserves of federal significance in Russia. Despite positive trends, tourist and recreational potential of our country is currently underutilized. According to the World Tourism Organization, Russia can take up to 70 million Russian and foreign tourists a year. Tourist and recreation activities in the Russian Federation are currently in the process of reform and development.

Efficient use of natural and cultural heritage in the tourist and recreational purposes, promotion of geographical, ethnic and cultural and historical identity of our country are impossible without public participation. Therefore, the Russian Geographical Society has set itself the task of comprehensive study of accounting and dissemination of information on tourist and recreational opportunities of our homeland, development of cognitive and environmental tourism, forming a sense of patriotism. The Russian Geographical Society can unite people, promote their education, knowledge and creativity. In this regard, in late 2013, it was decided to establish the Commission of Tourism Development under the aegis of the Russian Geographical Society. Honorary President of the Russian Geographical Society, director of the Institute of Geography RAS, Academician Vladimir Kotlyakov became the head of the Comission.

The main goal of the Commission of Tourism Development is to develop the cognitive tourism based on the efficient use of natural, cultural and historical resources of the Russian Federation, the examination of projects, programs and activities of the Society on the subject. For efficient work of the Commission, subcommittees are being created. They are aimed at solving specific problems: education and outreach, research and project activities, exhibition and publishing activities, youth work, sustainable development of tourism, and so on. Among the members of the Commission of Tourism Development are leading experts in the field of environment and natural and cultural heritage of Russia, representatives of the largest regional branches, governmental, scientific, educational and social institutions of the Russian Federation related to tourism and recreation activities 

Objectives and modalities of the Commission of the Russian Geographical Society for the development of tourism are reflected in the "Regulations on the Commission". The Commission operates in accordance with a plan approved by the Governing Council of the Russian Geographical Society.