The Crystal Compass Award

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In November 2012 the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society with the support of the corporate association "Gazprom Kuban» instituted the "Crystal Compass" national award in the field of geography and ecology . The initiative was presented to President of the Russian Geographical Society Sergei Shoigu and received its support. 

The "Crystal Compass"  national award was designed to find and show the best Russian achievements and practical projects aimed at the conservation of natural, historical and cultural heritage of our country, show guidelines for the development of the state and society, based on the best Russian achievements. 

The main purpose of the Award - to support those who sincerely conseder Russia their home, respect and protect the environment. Those are individuals, corporations, scientists and public figures, creative unions and organizations - everyone whose example and work will help the public to discover new reasons to be proud of their motherland. Motto of the Award - "Save the Future".


First Award winners

News and events

25 May 2023

In 2023, the prestigious awards will be presented for the 11th time

08 February 2023

Applications are accepted until February 20

18 May 2022

The anniversary ceremony of the “geographical Oscar” will be held in September in Moscow

13 January 2022

You can become a participant in the anniversary application campaign and send a project until February 10