Fedor Konyukhov Completed A Solo Voyage Across The Pacific Ocean

Photo from the archive of Fedor Konyukhov
Photo from the archive of Fedor Konyukhov

The traveler, the member of the Russian Geographical Society Fedor Konyukhov officially completed his journey on the "AKROS" rowboat through the South Pacific from New Zealand to Chile in 154 days 13 hours 37 minutes. The Russian crossed the longitude of the Chilean Diego Ramirez Island on May 9, 2019.

Fedor Konyukhov set several world records in this campaign, that must be verified by the Ocean Rowing Society in England. The records will be submitted for registration in the Guinness Book of Records in the future. Already we can list some of the records: Fedor is the oldest single rower (67 years old), reached the southernmost point on the rowboat (56'40 southern latitude), he spent the largest number of days in the Southern Ocean - 154 days (the previous record belonged to the French — 59 days). Also, Fedor traveled the longest distance in the “roaring forties” and “furious fifties” latitudes (11,525 km), he is the first and only person who was able to cross the Pacific Ocean in both directions (from east to west and from west to east).

The single round-the-world voyage of Fedor Konyukhov on the "AKROS" rowboat began from the port of Dunedin in New Zealand on December 6. The traveler’s route was divided into three stages: Dunedin (New Zealand) - Cape Horn (Chile), Cape Horn - Cape Lyuin (Australia) and Cape Lyuin-Dunedin. In total, the route was 27 thousand km.


The "AKROS" rowboat was designed specifically for the expedition by the British designer Philip Morrison. There are waterproof compartments for stocking products and three independent energy generation systems: solar modules, wind turbines, and a chemical power plant that produces electricity from methanol. The boat is also equipped with two types of satellite phones, a satellite tracker and several backup communication and navigation systems.


It is important to mention, that Fedor Konyukhov was awarded the Gold Medal of the RGS named after N.N. Miklouho-Maclay for the numerous outstanding trips in Russia and abroad.