Geographical Dictation of the RGS to Be Held on November 29, 2020

Изображение: пресс-служба РГО
Изображение: пресс-служба РГО

On November 29, 2020, the Geographical Dictation of the Russian Geographical Society will take place for the sixth time. Currently, the registration of the event venues is underway. The coronavirus will not prevent the dictation: in the event of a worsening epidemiological situation, the venues will be transferred from on-site to remote mode. In addition, everyone can take an online test at

How to register a venue?

The event venues can be registered at until November 20, 2020. Any organization - schools, universities, libraries, museums, national parks, and others - can apply to host the Geographical Dictation on November 29, 2020, within their walls.

At the moment, about 3 thousand Dictation venues are registered around the world.

If the epidemiological situation deteriorates due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, the on-site venues of the Geographical Dictation will have the opportunity to conduct the event remotely. If necessary, by November 23, 2020, a venue organizer will be able to quickly change the format of the event from on-site to remote.


Географический диктант-2017. Фото с сайта филиала МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова в Баку

What a Geographical Dictation participant should know

At all venues, the Geographical Dictation starts on November 29, 2020 at 12:00 local time.

To take part in the event, you must register at the nearest convenient venue. To do this, go to the "Geography of the Dictation" section at, select a venue and click on the link "Go to the venue page". The venue page contains the conditions for participation, contacts of the organizers, registration procedure, information on the number of seats and access for persons with disabilities.


Географический диктант – 2017 в Хабаровском крае. Фото предоставлено Хабаровским краевым отделением РГО
Географический диктант – 2017 в Хабаровском крае. Фото предоставлено Хабаровским краевым отделением РГО


A potential participant must choose the most convenient open-type venue in his/her region, register at it and come with an identity document on November 29 by 12.00 local time.

After the end of the event, the participant can ask the organizers of the venue for a certificate of participation, which is issued immediately.

The publication of the results will begin on January 15, 2021.

You can find out your result in several ways: enter the 13-digit code on the website or scan the QR code from the second part of the form.


Участники Географического диктанта - 2018 на центральной площадке в МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. Фото: пресс-служба РГО


You can choose absolutely any venue registered on the Dictation website with a remote format, and register at it as a participant. Remember that Dictation is written according to the local time of the venue. After November 23, the organizers of the venue must send a participant a personal link, which will be valid on November 29 from 12.00 to 13.00 local time.

The materials in the link will include an individual questionnaire, a video with a welcome speech from the event presenter; a small virtual quiz and an explanation of the rules; a video presentation with the Dictation tasks, voiced by famous TV presenters, actors and announcers; as well as an answer form. As in previous years, after completing all the tasks, each participant will receive an individual number in order to find out their results in the future.

The results will begin to be published on January 15, 2021. You can find out yours using the 13-digit code on the website

The Dictation participant will receive certificates from the organizers of the venue in electronic form within two weeks after the event.


Географический диктант - 2015 на площадке ЦДХ в Москве. Фото: Николай Разуваев
Географический диктант - 2015 на площадке ЦДХ в Москве. Фото: Николай Разуваев

Online Dictation

For those who are impatient to find out their results and do not care for the individual certificate, there is the online Dictation. It starts on November 29 at 14:00 Moscow time and ends on December 6 at 14:00 Moscow time. The participants will be provided with an online form with the Dictation questions. You can answer them anywhere and at any time. The result will be known immediately after the person answers the last question. No prior registration is required for this.


Бланк заданий Географического диктанта 2015 года. Фото: Николай Разуваев

The Geographical Dictation of the RGS has been held annually since 2015. Participants of the event anonymously answer questions about the geography of Russia. These can be both questions on the knowledge of generally known facts from geography, and tasks requiring the use of creative thinking, logic, deep erudition.

In 2019, about 330 thousand people took part in the Geographical Dictation; more than 100 thousand wrote the Dictation online. The total number of participants in the event was more than 420 thousand people, which is 1.2 times more than the number of participants in 2018. The Geographical Dictation took place in all regions of Russia, as well as in 106 foreign countries. They knowledge of geography was tested on all continents, except Antarctica, and even on the International Space Station. In Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan became the leader in terms of the number of Dictation venues, where the Dictation was held in 730 institutions and organizations. The second place was taken by the Krasnodar Territory - 529 venues, the third - by the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 317. The leaders in the number of venues among foreign countries were Ukraine - 22 venues, Kazakhstan - 16, Turkey and the Republic of Belarus - 9 each, China - 10 venues.