The geographical «Ocean»

Photo from the website
Photo from the website

There has started the profile shift named «The world of discoveries» of the Russian Geographical Society in the All-Russian Children`s center «Ocean». During three weeks boys and girls will not only be enjoying the picturesque sights of the Primorye Territory, but they will comprehend the mysteries of nature in theory and practice. Cognitive quests, experiments, excursions, film screenings are waiting for the schoolchildren. Young geographers will have an opportunity to speak to the scientists, local lore specialists, travelers.

The Russian Geographical Society has been organizing the profile shifts in the children`s centers from 2015. There have been more than two thousand children aged from 10 to 17 years for this time during this time.

During this profile shift, the participants will learn the basics of geographical occupations. They will learn to depict the terrain on a scale during the course «The cartography with the basics of topography», they will clarify the structure and properties of the atmosphere, methods of weather forecast modeling during the classes on the subject «Meteorology». Those who chose the subject «Geoecology» will get to know about the topical problems of environmental protection, and will learn to solve them. Thus, the young people are about to clear the shore of the ocean from the debris, and to take water samples and to examine them. The participants of the profile shift in the «Ocean» as the real travelers will write down their observations and discoveries in their diaries.

The children will not only study the nature of Primorye Territory (there have been planned the tour in Vladivostok, the visit to the Aquarium, but they will tell their peers about the beauty of their region as well. There was organized «The cute corner of Russia» contest for that purpose, there the young people will demonstrate the photos of their native places. And in the creative competition «There is a lot of things to be proud of in Russia» the young geographers will prepare the presentation and they will tell about their small motherland. The schoolchildren will share their intimate intentions, how to make the world better, with the experts at the fair site «The elevator to the future».

To get into the profile change of the RGO, the children have to participate in the contest and prepare a portfolio, confirm their success in geography and related sciences with diplomas of contests and Olympiads.

The children will check their erudition and acquire new knowledge in the geographical dictation «What? Where? When?». Besides, they will see entertaining films, created with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, on the big screen. There are some of them: «Fedor Litke – is the founder of the Russian Geographical Society», «Master of two poles», «People who made the earth round», «The Geographers of the Great Victory».

Thus, for 21 days participants will feel themselves to be real researchers and will receive a whole ocean of vivid impressions for a whole year.