“The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom” Was Visited by More Than 1.5 Million People in 2022

Античный фестиваль. Фото: администрация города-курорта Анапа

The locations of the Russian tourist route "The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom" were visited by 1,516,459 people in 2022. This large-scale project is being implemented by the Russian Geographical Society together with the Krasnodar Territory, the Rostov Region, the Republic of Crimea, and the hero city of Sevastopol. Residents of various regions of Russia and representatives of 10 countries of the world got acquainted with the ancient culture, way of life, and history of Greek policies as part of an exciting program. The leader in the number of guests – almost 740,000 people – was the Krasnodar Territory.

“The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom” project was launched in 2019. It definitively shows that Russia is rightfully one of the centers of ancient culture and civilization. Here, on the shores of the Azov and Black Seas, the Kerch Strait, which the Greeks called the Cimmerian Bosporus, the cities of the ancient state were located.

Today, in 14 cities of the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, the Republic of Crimea, and Sevastopol, you can find objects of cultural and historical heritage, museum complexes, archaeological sites with antique themes. They were visited by, among others, foreign tourists from China, Turkey, Armenia, Israel, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Lebanon, Uzbekistan, Germany, and Estonia.


Журналист и ведущий Михаил Зеленский во время съемок фильма "Путешествие по Золотому кольцу Боспорского царства". Фото: Краснодарское отделение РГО

The locations of "The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom" are of interest to a wide audience of different ages. These are the offers of active and sightseeing tourism, as well as a lot of interesting things for lovers of wine and gastronomy.

"‘The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom’ is a comprehensive project that combines a variety of thematic sites and introduces the ancient heritage of our country. We are constantly striving to develop it so that traveling to the cities of the project is be even more interesting and exciting. For example, last year, together with the administration of the resort city of Anapa, we participated in the development of a project to improve the adjacent territory around one of the sites of ‘The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom’ – the Gorgippia Museum – which received the support of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. Bas-reliefs of the cities that are included in the project will be created here," said Ivan Chaika, chairman of the Krasnodar Regional Branch of the RGS and a member of the RGS Tourism Development Commission.

You can learn more about the project, choose places to visit, and make a travel itinerary on the website russian-bospor.ru.

“The project has been officially implemented since 2019. It started as a tourist destination. During this time, it has grown: it has also become cultural, educational, and scientific. We have released a film, published a book, opened a museum in ‘Sirius’, conduct open lectures, research, and publish scientific articles. The plans include the opening of a cultural center in Moscow. The ancient heritage is still of great interest to tourists, which is confirmed by the tourist flow to our sites in 2022,” said the chairman of the Expert Council of the State Duma Committee on Tourism, member of the RGS Tourism Development Commission Khristofor Konstantinidi.

The popular science film "Journey through ‘The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom’", which was created by the Russian Geographical Society, the TV company "Under the sign of Pi", and the production center "Chaika", was broadcast on the TV channel "My Planet". The Russian Geographical Society published the book "The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom".

The RGS project was included in the top 100 creative practices for reviving cultural heritage. It became a part of the section "Urban history and identity". At the Festival of the Russian Geographical Society in Moscow's Zaryadye Park, the project was presented at the stand "Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory".


QR-код проекта можно найти на борту самолета официального партнера проекта. Фото: пресс-служба авиакомпании Utair

Utair became the official partner of the tourist project of the Russian Geographical Society "The Golden Ring of the Bosporan Kingdom". The airline placed logos of the Russian Geographical Society and its global Russian tourist route on board the Boeing 737-800. The plane also carries a QR code that takes the user to the project's website.