"The lords of the seas" in Moscow

A rare bowhead whales of the Okhotsk Sea population. Photo by Olga Shpak
A rare bowhead whales of the Okhotsk Sea population. Photo by Olga Shpak

The 7th of August in the Art Park "Museon" there was open a photo exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society, dedicated to whales of the Far Eastern seas of Russia. It includes 25 images of killer whales, beluga whales, Greenland and gray whales.

At the exhibition "The Lords of the Seas" there are placed 13 double-sided stands in the open air, where the pictures by the scientists Alexander Burdin, Dmitry Glazov, Olga Shpak, Olga Filatova, Tatyana Ivkovych, as well as by the winners and finalists of the All-Russian photo contest of the Society "The MostBeautiful Country" are presented.



"Master of the Seas." Photo by Aglaya Tsidulko
"Master of the Seas." Photo by Aglaya Tsidulko

Pictures are introduced to the amazing world of marine mammals. Thanks to detailed comments to the photos, the visitors of the exhibition will learn many interesting facts about the origin of whales and their features. Thus, for example, the duration of immersion in water of cetaceans often depends on the time of the year, belukhas whales can swim on their backs and even backwards, families of killer-whales remain throughout life, humpback whales let in fountains up to 5 meters high, and the color and shape of their tails is unique of each individual.

Whales are the largest animals known in science that had ever lived on our planet. About 30 species of whales live in the Far Eastern seas of Russia (Chukchi, Bering, Okhotsk, Japan and the Western Pacific), 12 of which are included in the Red Data Books of Russia and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Protected marine areas have been created in order to protect the habitat of cetaceans. The Russian Geographical Society is taking part in projects aimed at studying and protecting of these animals: "Red book species of large cetaceans: critical habitats and protection problems in the Far Eastern seas of Russia" and "The Belukha - white whale".

You can admire the photos of the sea giants until the 20th of August.