Love is in the Air: Romantic Leopard Date Filmed in Primorye

Фрагмент видео из национального парка "Земля леопарда"
Фрагмент видео из национального парка "Земля леопарда"

A camera trap caught the romantic meeting of two long-term residents of the “Land of the Leopard” National Park in Primorye. Berry and Typhoon are clearly not indifferent to each other and are in a hurry to hide from sight.

It is not the first time that the scientists have celebrated the meeting of the "royal couple" of the Amur leopards – the ruler of the “Kedrovaya Pad'” reserve and the daughter of the famous “Kedrovka”. After one of these meetings, Typhoon and Berry had cubs.

According to the press service of the national park, the main reason for dating for the adult leopards is mating games. During this period, females and males actively mark territory in order to find each other.

Meetings can take place at any time of the year. As a rule, "love" lasts only a few days, after which the partners quickly lose interest in each other.

The female bears offspring for about three months. She usually gives birth to one to three cubs. The father does not participate in their upbringing.

Since the beginning of the century, in the national park "Land of the Leopard" in the Primorsky Krai, it has been possible to achieve a threefold increase in the number of unique cats – from 35 to 100 specimens. This is the only place in the world where the predators rescued by Russian specialists are available for observation in the wild with the help of special photo shelters.