A Postage Stamp And An Envelope Dedicated to the 125th Anniversary of the Polar Explorer Ivan Papanin Were Issued

Изображение предоставлено АО "Марка"
Изображение предоставлено АО "Марка"

AO "Marka" and the Federal Communications Agency issued postal products - stamps, envelopes and special stamps for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol on the 125th anniversary of the polar explorer, Honorary Member of the Russian Geographical Society, head of the Moscow branch of the Geographical Society of the USSR Ivan Papanin.


Изображение предоставлено АО "Марка"
Изображение предоставлено АО "Марка"

The postage stamp depicts a portrait of Ivan Papanin with the North Pole-1 Arctic station as backdrop, and the Arctic aircraft in the sky above the North Pole-1 station is on the envelope. The author of the images was the artist Sergei Ulyanovsky.

The circulation of the stamp amounted to 96 thousand copies, the envelope - 3650.

Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin (1894−1986) - an outstanding explorer of the Arctic, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Rear Admiral, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.


Иван Папанин

In 1932–1933, he was the head of the polar station in Tikhaya Bay on Franz Josef Land. In 1934–1935, he was the head of the polar station on Cape Chelyuskin.

In 1937, he led the first Soviet expedition to the North Pole, which took place on the drifting ice of the Arctic Ocean. The group of polar explorers included hydrobiologist Pyotr Shirshov, radio operator Ernst Krenkel, as well as meteorologist and geophysicist Evgeny Fyodorov. Within 247 days, four fearless employees of the North Pole-1 station drifted on the ice and observed the Earth's magnetic field and processes in the atmosphere and hydrosphere of the Arctic Ocean. All members of the expedition received stars of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and scientific ranks for selfless work in the difficult conditions of the Arctic. Papanin became a doctor of geographical sciences.

After the Arctic expedition, Ivan Papanin, working in the Chief Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, created the scientific fleet of the Soviet Union, supervised the construction of ports. Also he supervised the supply of goods under Lend-Lease during the war. After World War II, he headed the Institute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the department of marine expeditionary works of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Institute of Biology of Inland Waters of the USSR Academy of Sciences; he created a biological station on the Kuibyshev reservoir, which was elevated in the Institute of Ecology of the Volga basin RAS.

The cape on the Taimyr Peninsula, the mountains in Antarctica and the seamount in the Pacific Ocean are named after Ivan Papanin. Ivan Dmitrievich was an honorary resident of four cities - Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Sevastopol and Lipetsk, as well as the whole region - Yaroslavl region. Streets are named after him in many cities. He was awarded the Great Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of the USSR in 1979.

We would like to remind that, together with the Federal Communications Agency, the Russian Geographical Society is publishing "geographical" signs of postage - postcards, envelopes and stamps. Since the beginning of the year, more than 4 million copies of postage stamps have been issued. Among them are a stamp in honor of the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society and the 175th anniversary of the birth of the Russian traveler and geographer Nikolai Przhevalsky, postcards dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the start of the Bellingshausen and Lazarev expedition, and other postal signs.

The postal and souvenir products of the AO "Marka" can be purchased at the "Russian Post" branches, as well as at the branch - "Collector" store (118 Prospect Mira, Moscow).