RGS Youth Club Helps Elderly People in the Period of Self-Isolation

Фото предоставлено Молодежным клубом РГО "Альтаир"

The youth club of the Russian Geographical Society "Altair" joined the movement of the All-Russia People's Front and the All-Russian Public Movement "Medical Volunteers" in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Activists take part in the project #мывместе ("we are together") and help older people, who self-isolate, to cope with difficulties during the spread of coronavirus infection.

Young people, who took safety training and an online course to assist elderly people in an emergency situation, help with the delivery of food and medicine, pay utility bills, and provide psychological aid.


Фото предоставлено Молодежным клубом РГО "Альтаир"

Since March 31, a compulsory and universal regime of self-isolation has been in force throughout Kabardino-Balkaria. Applications from citizens are accumulated at the regional headquarters for assisting elderly people from a single hotline number 8-800-200-34-11, after which they are received by volunteers.

Since the beginning of the hotline work, headquarters volunteers have complied with more than 50 requests related to the purchase of medicines, products and essential goods, removal of solid household waste. Volunteers also deliver grocery baskets allocated by sponsors to families of medical workers working in hospitals for the treatment of patients with coronavirus.


Ещё один день работы волонтеров штаба ОНФ и волонтеров-медиков в помощи пожилым людям, находящимся на самоизоляции. Молодёжный клуб Русского географического общества "Альтаир" включился в движение Общероссийского народного фронта и Всероссийского общественного движения «Волонтеры-медики», в проект #мывместе, чтобы помочь пожилым людям, находящихся на самоизоляции справиться с трудностями. Заявки от граждан аккумулируются в региональном штабе по оказанию помощи пожилым людям с единого номер "горячей линии" 8-800-200-34-11 @volmedic_kbr , после чего поступают в работу волонтёрам. Также неравнодушные граждане начали помогать в работе волонтеров кто чем может: транспортом, продуктами, масками, деньгами, за что им большое спасибо. ________________________________________ Адрес регионального волонтерского штаба: г.Нальчик, пр.Ленина, 53 (дом Федерации профсоюзов КБР), кабинет 332. Автомобиль или другую помощь можно предложить также руководителю волонтерского штаба Залине Кушховой по телефону +79386900790 #мывместе #мывместекбр #волонтерымедикикбр #мкрго #молодежныйклубрго #молодежныйклубргоальтаир #кброосозидание

Публикация от @ mkrgo_altair

For most activists of the Youth Club of the RGS, such volunteer work in conditions of universal quarantine has become a real challenge and a good school of life. As guys note, at first it was not easy to get used to such a schedule, to the fact that you need a special approach and patience during the interpersonal communication with elderly people.

“Last year, all the activists of our club received volunteer books and practiced volunteer work mainly in organizing tourist and regional studies, sports and educational events. When I found out that the headquarters needed experienced volunteers, I decided, without hesitation, come to the rescue with a feasible contribution to the fight against a serious threat", said Katarina Kugler, deputy head of the Altair club.

Activists note that almost all elderly people, who self-isolate, meet them in masks, remember the need to keep distance.


Публикация от @mkrgo_altair


"Lonely elderly people, which have to self-isolate, are increasingly in need of help. Most of them understand that the volunteers have a lot of requests, and try to form orders rationally, indicating both products and medicines at once", said "Altair" Youth Club head Tengiz Mokaev.

Material provided by the Youth Club of RGS Altair