The year of 2017 is announced in Russia the Year of Specially Protected Nature Territories. Would you like to tell about the unique reserve places of your region and to get the gifts from the Russian Geographical Society? That way the new contest «Reserve Russia» - is for you!
From the 20th of January to the 3rd of February just publish in your accounts on Facebook, Vkontakte and Instagram a photo collage (photo story), shot in any Specially Protected Nature Territory. Come up with an interesting signature. And do not forget to mention a place of shooting.
We would like to get acquainted with the readers closer, that is why there should be pictured an author at least at the one of the photos. It is necessary to note the RGS account ((@rgo_1845 – Instagram, @rgoclub – VK, FB) in the publication and to put #rgs#RussiaReserve. And, of course, to subscribe to our groups in social networks.
The author of the most interesting work will receive:
- a photo album with the works of the winners and finalists of the photo contest of the Russian Geographical Society «The most beautiful society»;
- the two photo albums of the famous photographer of wild nature Sergey Gorshkov with the autograph of the author. They are called «Plateau Putorana» and «The Russian Arctic. Wrangel Island»;
- a stuffed toy of «protected lands»
- a T-shirt and a cap with the symbol of the Russian Geographical Society.
The prizes will be solemnly handed to the winner the 11th of February at the Day of the Russian Geographical Society, which will take place within the frames of the «Reserve Russia» Festival.
The authors of the collages, who takes the second and the third places, will get complimentary ticket for two persons to free access to the festival, and a T-short and a cap with the symbol of the Russian Geographical Society.
Also, we will publish the best works with an indication of their author in our social networks.
The winner will be determined the 7th of February by the Chairman of the photo contest «The most beautiful country» Sergey Gorshkov.
Do you really think that reserve land is far? Not at all! After all, to the protected areas refer not only state nature reserves and national parks, but nature reserves, natural monuments, arboretums and botanical gardens as well.
The system of reserve territories of Russia is being one of the most significant achievements of the country in the area of its natural resources` protection. Such species as bison, sable, beaver, snow leopard, the Amur leopard have been saved from extinction for a hundred years of existence of the system thanks to the reserves. It also became possible to save hundreds of other species and the places of their habitats.
Protected areas of our country cover almost all types of unique and most remarkable landscapes, not disturbed by human activities. Visiting them, we gain a rare opportunity to be alone with the pristine nature.