A Series Of Documentary Programs Was Filmed in Yekaterinburg for the Anniversary of Alexander Humboldt

Гумбольдт в 1806 г. Портрет работы Фридриха Георга Вейтша; wikipedia.org
Гумбольдт в 1806 г. Портрет работы Фридриха Георга Вейтша; wikipedia.org

The 250th anniversary of the birth of the great explorer, geographer, climatologist Alexander von Humboldt was on September 14, 2019. In the 20s of the XIX century, he visited the territory of the present Sverdlovsk region, and fateful decisions were made on mining in the Urals according to the results of this trip in the Russian Empire. OTV Broadcasting Company prepared the premiere of the historical and research series of programs “The Great Humboldt Campaign: Urals” for the anniversary date with the grant support of the Russian Geographical Society.

... There were mosquitoes, cockroaches and indigestion. Journalists from OTV studied the archives of both the scientist himself and his biographers. The journey is recreated without embellishment in the historical series “The Great Humboldt Campaign: Urals”- there are only reliable facts from the archives. Even the scene in which Humboldt hits with a slipper of a cockroach running through documents has its description.


Памятник Гумбольдту на Унтер-ден-Линден в Берлине. Скульптор Рейнгольд Бегас. wikipedia.org
Памятник Гумбольдту на Унтер-ден-Линден в Берлине. Скульптор Рейнгольд Бегас. wikipedia.org

- Our task is to show that science is not only important, but also exciting, that geography is not a globe in a school class, but expeditions, that Humboldt is not an incomprehensible guy on the pages of a textbook, but a tough guy, with humor, he was in love with his job", said Anton Stulikov, the general director of OTV, one of the authors of the Great Campaign project idea.

OTV is filming the part of the famous "Travel to Asia" that was held in the territory of the current Sverdlovsk region. Ural schoolchildren repeat the scientist’s route and find out what is happening at the gold mines and factories that began to work during the time of Humboldt. The unique archives of the geographer and traveler are first filmed in Russia with the participation of young researchers. The route of television expeditions is from Yekaterinburg to Alapaevsk. The guys will pass it together with the guide Alexander Tarasov and Humboldt himself (Humboldt's role is perfomed by Eduard Ackerman).


Александр фон Гумбольдт. Портрет работы Йозефа Карла Штилера, 1843 год. Фото с сайта wikipedia.org
Александр фон Гумбольдт. Портрет работы Йозефа Карла Штилера, 1843 год. Фото с сайта wikipedia.org

- We do not make scientific films. We are filming a series of television movies for family watching. I want all residents of the Middle Urals to know that there was such a person in the history of the Sverdlovsk region, although he came to visit us for a few weeks, and his decisions are still important to us", said the director of “The Great Humboldt Campaign: Urals "Alexander Trapeznikov.