There Are Just Few Days Before the End Of Registartion Of Geographicalal Dictation Venues!

Участники Географического диктанта - 2018 на центральной площадке в МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. Фото: пресс-служба РГО
Участники Географического диктанта - 2018 на центральной площадке в МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. Фото: пресс-служба РГО

The Geographical Dictation will take place in Russia and abroad on October 27,2019. Everyone can not only take part in the Dictation, but also organize an action venue in their region. Less than a week is left until the registration of the venues on the site - the acceptance of applications will last until October 10 inclusive.

We would like to note that now the number of venues for the action has exceeded 3,000. The Russian Center for Science and Culture in Jakarta (Rossotrudnichestvo representative office in Indonesia), has become a three-thousandth venue.

Currently, the leader in the number of Dictation venues is the Republic of Bashkortostan (404 venues), in the second place is the Stavropol Territory (155 venues), and the third is the Krasnodar Territory (115 venues).

The Geographical Dictation will take place not only in Russia. For today, Great Britain, Greece, Serbia, Austria, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Cambodia, Japan, Australia and other countries have joined the action.

The current location map of the venues is here.

Regulations on the Geographical Dictation

The Geographical Dictation was carried out for the first time in 2015. In 2018, more than 376 thousand people took part in the action, and in just four years of the Dictation, almost 900 thousand people became its participants. Last year it was possible to become a participant of the action not only in Russia but also abroad: the Dictation was held in more than 90 countries of the world at 3532 venues.  In Russia, the Republic of Bashkortostan became the leader in the number of venues, where the Dictation was held in 416 organizations. Leaders abroad were China (10 venues) and the Republic of Belarus (9 venues) abroad. In addition, more than 119 thousand people tested their knowledge online.