Underwater Life Chronicles: Expedition of the URC RGS to Matua Island Has Ended

Спуск подводного аппарата C-Explorer 3.11. Фото: ЦПИ РГО

The joint underwater exploration expedition of the Russian Navy and the Underwater Research Center of the RGS to the islands of the Kuril Ridge has come to an end. A group of support vessels of the Pacific Fleet consisting of the rescue vessel "Igor Belousov" and the small hydrographic vessel "Alexander Rogotsky" completed work in the waters of Matua Island.

During the expedition, a detailed survey of the bottom surface near Matua Island was carried out using various equipment, including the manned underwater vehicle C-Explorer 3.11.

Specialists examined the American submarine "Herring" that sank during the Great Patriotic War, photographed and filmed the object in detail. In addition, the expedition participants held a memorial event to perpetuate the memory of the dead submariners – a brass plaque with a complete list of the ship’s crew was installed on the hull of the vessel.


Установка мемориальной таблички у подлодки "Херринг". Фото: ЦПИ РГО

Among the tasks assigned to the URC specialists this season was the implementation of experimental diving descents, the purpose of which was to test the devices with a closed breathing system and electronic control. Civilian specialists use such systems as the main source of breathing for the divers as part of deep-sea diving complex during emergency rescue and underwater technical diving operations in the interests of the Navy.

The interdepartmental working group determined by practical methods the possibility and expediency of combining the method of conducting deep-sea diving descents in autonomous deep-sea equipment using devices and systems from the vessels of the Rescue Service of the Russian Navy. In addition, interaction procedures during the diving operations together with manned and autonomous underwater vehicles at depths of more than 100 meters were practiced.