The World Hydrographic Day is annually celebrated on the initiative of the International Hydrographic Organization and with the support of The United Nations General Assembly.
Hydrographic service ensures the safety of navigation on the seas, lakes, reservoirs, rivers and oceans. It is organized in all countries of the world, which have a marine or river fleet.
Modern hydrography uses the most complicated satellite and hydroacoustic equipment, automated complexes, and the results of the work are presented in the form of maps.
The main tasks of hydrography are the compilation and publication of special and general guides and navigation aids: navigational charts, sailing charts, tide tables, hydrometric and bathymetric maps and atlases. Applied hydrography is engaged in the installation of navigation equipment - beacons, signal lights, shielding marks on canals and fairways, notifies seafarers of changes in the navigation situation.
In Russia, hydrographic studies have been conducted since the time of Peter I.
During the first round-the-world trip of Russian navigators Yury Fedorovich Lisyansky and Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern on the sloops "Hope" and "Neva", which they made in 1803-1806, conducted regular hydrometeorological observations and perform scientific oceanographic work.
In the expansion of an integral part of all expeditionary work on research vessels and warships of the Russian fleet.
The organizational design of the national Hydrographic Service was done in 1817 by the creation of the Admiralty College. In 1827 the General Hydrograph Office was established, which was transformed in 1885 into the Main Hydrographic Administration. The development of scientific hydrography in Russia is associated with Sarycheva, A.A. Tillo, A.I. Vilkitsky, Yu.M. Shokalsky, V.M. Rodevich, E.V. Bliznyak, I.F. Molodykh.
Abroad, the establishment of hydrographic services began in the first half of the 18th century. In France - in 1720, Great Britain and Holland – in 1737, and in the USA - in 1830.
The flagship of the modern domestic hydrographic service is the research vessel of the Russian Navy Admiral Vladimirsky. It is equipped with new equipment: there are now 19 laboratories on board, and a clear device allows it to operate at high latitudes, without icebreaker escort.
In 2014, the first Russian scientific round-the-world expedition for the last 30 years took place on this oceanographic vessel.
During the voyage, the crew made several important geographical discoveries. Thus, when examining the southwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, which was not studied hydrographically, the scientists discovered an undiscovered underwater ridge, and carried out mapping and description of the Yaya Island in the Laptev Sea.
Unknown Island was previously seen from the air. When the hydrographs of Admiral Vladimirsky confirmed the discovery, the need to find the island arose. A lot of services were related to this event, and each of its participants who answered the question “Who opened the island?” said: "It was me!". With the provision of geographical openness, the maritime boundaries of the Russian Federation were clarified, and the area of its territorial waters increased by more than 450 square miles.
In many areas of the world's oceans, large scientific research expeditions are planned and conducted.