
Заседание жюри V фотоконкурса РГО "Самая красивая страна". Фото: Алексей Михайлов
10 February 2020

There are Sergey Shnurov, Nikolai Rastorguev, and who else?

09 February 2020

Multimedia parks "Russia - My History" will show 160 unique photos

Художник: Иван Ульяновский
07 February 2020

The series includes stamps, envelopes, postcards and postmarks

Фото: pixabay.com
06 February 2020

The winners of the RGS and "Akvaplan-Niva" competition presented their projects at the forum

Радость. Фото: Павел Смертин
03 February 2020

The works of the the RGS photo contest participants are presented at the International Book Fair in Calcutta

Фаддей Беллинсгаузен и Михаил Лазарев. Портреты: wikipedia.org
31 January 2020

Who was the first to step on its shore? Who first reached the South Pole? Who built the first station?

Фото: Алексей Михайлов
31 January 2020

Traditionally, the annual conference was held at the Moscow Headquarters of the RGS

Фото: пресс-служба РГО
30 January 2020

Торжественные мероприятия прошли 28 января на станции "Беллинсгаузен"

Ледяные горы в Антарктиде. Художник Иван Айвазовский
29 January 2020

And why the discovery was made by Russian sailors indeed

Коллаж пресс-служба РГО
28 January 2020

The discovery of the sixth continent was made exactly 200 years ago
