Geographical Dictation 2018
On November 11, 2018, the Geographical Dictation of the Russian Geographical Society took place in Russia and abroad. This large-scale educational event initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin was organized by the Russian Geographical Society for the fourth time.
For the first time the Geographical Dictation was held in 2015. About 260,000 people took part in it in 2017. Not only Russia but also many other countries examined their knowledge in geography. The event was held in 25 countries. Moreover, in 2017 the event was conducted at 2224 locations. In Russia the largest number of locations for the Dictation was in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) where it was held at 277 locations. The leader in the number of locations for this education event among foreign countries was China, the Dictation was held there in 10 cities. Moreover, it was organized online and about 110,000 people tested their knowledge online at:
As usual, the Dictation was held in specially established locations and online at:
All those interested had an opportunity not only to test their knowledge in geography but also to organize the Dictation in their region. The location where the event was held could registered on the website at: till October 29, 2018.
The test had four versions: two were for Russia, one was for foreign countries, and one was the online version. All of them were of the same level of complexity.
This was the first year when the test was consisted of two parts, each with 15 questions and carrious levels of complexity. This year tasks were differ from the tasks of previous year. Thus the questions were less complex, partly testing intelligence and logic. This intellectual competition was be rather a quiz, than an exam test.