Forum agenda

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Russian geographical society



  24-25 September, 2013, Salekhard, Russia

Forum venue: Cultural and business center, Arkticheskaya str.,1


Forum Theme: “Environmental Safety in the Arctic”


Forum Agenda


TuesdaySeptember, 24



2.00 – 3.00 pm 

Registration of participants

3.00 – 4.00 pm

Plenary session




Arthur Chilingarov,  First Vice-President of  Russian geographical society




·      Opening speech by Arthur Chilingarov,  First Vice-President of Russian geographical society

·      Aqqaluk Lynge, Chair of  Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), Greenland, Denmark

·      Dmitry Kobylkin, Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District

·      Sergey Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation


·      Alexander Aseyev, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Chair of Siberian branch of RAS


4.004.30 pm

Coffee break


4.30 5.30 pm


Session 1

Environmental safety and health of the human population in the Arctic





Vladimir M. Kotlyakov, Acad, Director of the Institute of Geography, RAS, Honorable President of Russian geographical society

Susan Chatwood, Executive and Research Director of the Institute for Circumpolar Health Research in Yellowknife, Canada





1.    Anne Husebekk, Rector at the University of Tromsø, Norway;  ValeryP. Chashchin, Prof., Director of the InternationalCentreofthePublicHealthnamedafterR. KokhandI.I. Mechnikov, Russia - Arctic environment and human population health. Global and regional policy priorities

2.    Boris Revich, Prof., HeadLab. of the Environment quality and human population health forecasting, InstituteofEconomicForecasting, RAS, Russia - EnvironmentandclimatechangeeffectsonthehumanhealthintheArctic









1. Vladimir  Shepovalnikov, Head of Polar Medicine Center, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute", Russia

2. Ellen Øseth, State secretary, Ministry of Environment of Norway

5.30 – 5.45

Coffee break


5.45 – 6.45 pm

Session 2

The legal regulation of the Arctic environmental protection




Anton Vasiliev, Ambassador-at-large for Arctic issues, Russian SAO in the Arctic Council


Lars Kullerud, President UArctic, Senior Advisor to GRID-Arendal Managing Director, Norway




1.    Timo Koivurova, Res. Prof., Director of the Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law, Arctic Centre/University of Lapland, Finland - Why do we need multilateral environmental agreements to protect the Arctic environment? 

2.    Natalia Loukacheva, Dr., the First Visiting Nansen Professor of Arctic Studies, University of Akureyri, Iceland - Environmental governance and legal issues in the Arctic



Forum first day closure



6.45 – 8.45 pm

Cultural program


Historical-architectural complex (Obdorsky Ostrog)


8.45 – 9.45 pm  

Concert entertainment

9.45 – 11.45 pm

Gala-Dinner on behalf of Dmitry Kobylkin,

the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District







WednesdaySeptember, 25



9.00 – 10.30 am


Session 3

Climate, pollution, biodiversity



NikolayKasimov, Acad., DeanoftheGeographyFaculty, theMoscowStateUniversitynamedafter  M.V. Lomonosov, FirstVice-PresidentofRussiangeographicalsociety

Robert Corell, Prof., Principal for the Global Environment Technology Foundation, an Ambassador for Climate Works, Head of US Office for the Global Energy Assessment, USA



1.    Vladimir M. Kotlyakov, Acad, Director of the Institute of Geography, RAS, Honorable President of Russian geographical society - Climate change scenarios for the Arctic and environmental effects forecast


2.    Lars-Otto Reiersen, Executive Secretary, AMAP Secretariat, Norway - Environmental pollution in the Arctic: current level, trends, risk assessments

3.    Igor Chestin, Director, WWF Russia - Nature protection priorities in the Arctic




1.    Vladimir Melnikov, Acad., Director of the Institute of the Earth cryosphere of the RAS Siberian branch, Russian Academy of Sciences  

2.    Eugeny Syroyechkovsky, Chair, Arctic Council CAFF Working Group, Russia

3.    Boris Morgunov, Assistant to the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

4.    Frederick Paulsen, Chairman of  Board of  Ferring Pharmaceuticals Group company


10.3011.00 am

Coffee break

11.0012.30 am


Session 4

Environmental safety in the Arctic development and usage




Mikhail Slipenchouk, Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Environment Committee  

Lawson W. Brigham, Prof. of Geography & Arctic Policy at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Senior Fellow at the Institute of the North in Anchorage, USA



1.    Alexander Frolov, Head of Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Roshydromet), Russia – Federal monitoring of the Arctic environmental state and pollution

2.    Pettery Taalas, Director General of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland - The optimal use of energy and environmental security in Northern and Arctic areas

3.    Rinat Gizatulin, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation - Elimination of the past environmental damages as one of the priorities of nature protection policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic

4.    Jan Helge Skogen,  President Statoil Russia, Norway – Modern challenges of the Arctic shelf

5.    Alexander Chuprian, Deputy Minister of Emergency Control Ministry of Russia/ Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters - Warning and elimination of emergencies in the Arctic






     1.   Leonid Mikhelson, Chairman of  Board of  Novatek company

2.  Alexander  Dyukov, Chairman of  Board and General Director of  Gasprom Neft company

3. Paolo Scaroni, Chief Executive Officer of ENI S.p.A, Italy


12.30 – 2.30 pm

Lunch break


2.30 – 4.10 pm

Plenary session

4.154.45 pm



4.50 – 5.55 pm Forum results summary

·      Presentations by session moderators (8 persons)

·      Northern Forum presentation (by President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


Forum closure