экспедиции РГО

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04 March 2023

You can become a member of the team until March 19

24 February 2023

The explorers got through shrubbery and met bears

01 February 2023

The geography of the project covers the south, north, west, and east of Russia

В деревне Пхуктонг, штат Нагаленд, экспедиция РГО познакомилась с мастерами-оружейниками. Фото: Леонид Круглов
27 January 2023

Ethnographer Daniil Butorin tells about the most unusual discoveries that the RGS’s expedition made in the state of Nagaland

Групповая фотография экспедиции РГО в деревне Лонгва, штат Нагаленд, Индия. Фото: Леонид Круглов
20 January 2023

The RGS’s expedition in India visited the village of Longwa, Nagaland
