экспедиции РГО

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26 December 2021

It was found in the Sea of Okhotsk by the expedition "Eastern Bastion – the Kuril Ridge"

Фрегат "Штандарт". Фото: РИА Новости/Иван Секретарёв
01 November 2021

The expedition of the RGS "The Flame of Chesma: the Greek Gambit"

11 October 2021

They were discovered during a joint operation of the Northern Fleet and the RGS.

На трассе ленд-лиза. Фото: Александр Бормотин
28 September 2021

The search specialists explored 14 airports of the Lend-Lease route

18 September 2021

Summing up the results of the fourth field season of the "Tunnug" expedition
