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Вид островов Маквари, Петра I и Александра I. Акварель Павла Михайлова. 1821 г.
27 February 2020

The exposition was organized by the Embassy of Russia in Thailand with the support of the RGS

Фото: Леонид Круглов
26 February 2020

The expedition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica and the 75th anniversary of the Victory continues

Фото: Антон Юшко
23 February 2020

The unique monument with rock paintings of the Paleolithic has been studied since 1959

Президент Саудовского географического общества доктор Али Аль Досари и Первый Вице-президент РГО, академик Николай Касимов. Фото предоставлено организаторами мероприятия
13 February 2020

The signing took place at the conference on the conservation of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Заседание жюри V фотоконкурса РГО "Самая красивая страна". Фото: Алексей Михайлов
10 February 2020

There are Sergey Shnurov, Nikolai Rastorguev, and who else?
