The photo contest «The most beautiful country» is dedicated to the wildlife of Russia conservation and education of careful attitude to the environment through the art of photography. The Russian Geographical Society has been willing to tell about the wild nature, history and culture of our country. The best writers, artists, journalists, and, of course, photographers have been involved to that. There are unique photo materials of the famous Ermakov, Nikolay Miklukho-Maklay, Gombozhab Tsibikov, etc. being preserved in the archive of the Society.
There have always been a lot of famous photo artists in the ranks of the Society at all the times: it is enough to remember Vladimir Sneiderov and Vasily Peskov. That is why the Russian Geographical Society just really had to launch its own photo contest, open for all who are interested. The contest started in June, 2015, and has become annual since 2016.
From the 18th of April till the 1st of August the works are being accepted, and after that there will be held the selective round of the contest, and the final is scheduled for September. The awarding ceremony of the winners of the contest will be held within the frames of the Award of the Russian Geographical Society in the end of 2016. Everyone may participate in the creative competition regardless of age and place of residence.