A presentation of Vasily Belousov's new book took place in Murmansk

The new book by Vasily Belousov. Photo by A. Yagodina

“On the other side of the border”is a fascinating story about Russia's neighboring countries which Vasily Belousov was able to visit on business trips: Japan, Mongolia, North Korea and China, the Balkans and the Scandinavian countries. The book is illustrated with photographs from Vasily Belousov's personal archive.  The publication was dedicated to the journalist's birthday: Vasily Belousov turned 85 on March 22.

The presentation was attended by friends and colleagues of Vasily Belousov, as well as writers, journalists and representatives of the Murmansk regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society. The participants of the event congratulated the journalist on his birthday, as well as on the new book.


Participants of the event. Photo by A. Yagodina

The Chairman of the Murmansk Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society congratulated Vasily Belousov and presented him with a gift: a globe of the Kola Peninsula.


Denis Moiseev and Vasily Belousov. Photo by A. Yagodina

“I am always amazed by how hard-working and strong-willed he is. He has published so many works, he has done so much for our region. All of us, including young people, should learn from him. I have read the new book, and it was, of course, immensely interesting. I have visited some of these places myself, so it was very, very interesting to look at them from Vasily Belousov's point of view. I recommend this book to everyone,” said Denis Moiseev, who is a reviewer of this publication.

On behalf of the deputies of the Murmansk Regional Duma, Vasily Belousov was awarded a commemorative medal “Murmansk's 100th anniversary" for his outstanding contribution to the development of our region.


Vasily Belousov receiving the medal. Photo by A. Yagodina

The author himself once admitted in an interview that he never thought he would become a journalist. Back when he was a child, he dreamed of becoming a gardener, then he received a degree in electrical engineering. His first publication was an article written while serving in the army. The article was dedicated to the anti-aircraft gunners who had shot down an aerial target during exercises. After returning from the army, he continued to write and started working in the "Polyarnaya Pravda" (the Polar Truth) newspaper. In 1977, he became a TASS correspondent in the Murmansk region.

“I had always tried my best, I had spared no effort and health for the sake of my work. If a journalist wants to be interesting, they should strive forward, not sit still. They will be treated differenty as well, not the same as their colleagues sitting in the office,” said Vasily Belousov.


Works by Vasily Belousov. Photo by A. Yagodina

Today Vasily Belousov is the author of 20 documentary books and many articles and publications in periodicals. They are dedicated to the history of our whole country, not just the Kola Arctic. He is a member of the Union of Journalists, an Honorary citizen of the Murmansk Region, an Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.