В Институте наук о Земле Южного федерального университета выступит с лекциями визит-профессор университета г. Кадис

Х.К. Гарсиа Галиндо, профессор, доктор химических наук, официальный представитель ректора УКА, генеральный директор Отдела международных отношений УКА

В Институте наук о Земле Южного федерального университета (адрес г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Зорге 40, ауд. 201) выступит с лекциями визит-профессор Университета г. Кадис Х.К. Гарсиа Галиндо. Область интересов докладчика: органическая химия, экология, охрана окружающей среды. Рабочий язык: английский.

Программа выступлений:

25.02.2020 9:50

Session 1 (2 h): Biochemical bases of the chemical interactions among living beings. Biochemical co-adaptation and co-evolution theories: static and dynamic defense strategies; induced chemical defence. Adaptation to environmental stress: heat, cold, humidity, flood, draught, metal toxicity, salinity. Session 2 (2h): Biochemistry of the pollinization. Biochemical bases of the color in the flowers. Biochemical bases of the scent in the flowers. Role of the nectar and pollen.

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Session 3 (2h): Plant toxins. Classification: nitrogen and non-nitrogen toxins. Cyanogenic glycosides. Cardiac glycosides: asclepias, butterflies and blue-jays. Allelopathy. Marine toxins: toxins from microalgae.

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Session 4 (2h): Hormonal interactions between plants and insects. Plant Oestrogens. Juvenil and moulting hormones in plants.

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Session 5 (2 h): Feeding preferences in insects. Secondary metabolites in plants as feeding inductors of insects. Glucosinolates in Cruciferae: a case-sutdy. The potato beetle and the Solanum alkaloids. Session 6 (2 h, open to all students, academic and service staff): Presentation of UCA, the Faculty of Sciences of UCA, the International Campuses of Excellence CeiMar and CeiA3, and the European University of the Seas SEA-EU. Possibilities of cooperation through mobility and research with the Faculty of Sciences. Session 7 (not specific duration).

Meetings to identify: 1.- Resarch areas of common interest to be addressed through Ph.D. students mobilities (Erasmus+ KA107, mobility exchange agreements, UCA-international scholarships, co-tutelled Ph.D. thesis of UCA’s Spanish-Russian Centre) 2.- BsC subjects taught in English in each University 3.- Planning of the new activity proposed in this project: creation of joint teams of students from both Universities (Bs.C and/or MsC) to address research project supervised byt professors from both Faculties. The work will be coordinated and developed through the use of virtual mobility (videoconference, social media, TICs). The meetings with the Russian colleagues will help to identify the possible research projects and they will be the pilot program to test the experience.

The experience obtained will be of utility to implement this methodology with other partner Universities of UCA and will also serve as a role model for virtual and, eventually, blended mobility in SEA-EU. This activity will also have a direct impact in the adquisition of language skills of the UCA’s students and the internationalisation at home of the Faculty of Sciences.

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