The electronic library has been lined with the issues of the magazine «Izvestiya» of the Russian Geographical Society» for half a century. The first issue of the «Izvestiya» of the RGS» was issued in 1865. The magazine publication was not interrupted even in the years of Great Patriotic War. The only break occurred in 1919-1922 because of financial difficulties. There are being issued 6 editions of the magazine annually.
«Izvestiya» of the Russian Geographical Society» is one of the oldest scientific geographical journals of Russia, in which, according to the experts, «are reflected all the events, achievements, ups and downs of geography in our country almost for one and a half a century».
The editions of the «Izvestiya» of the Russian Geographical Society» are acquainting readers with the latest achievements of the theory and practice of geographic and related sciences. The main editor of the magazine is the Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society Vladimir Razumovskiy.
The magazine «Izvestiya» of the Russian Geographical Society» highlights the urgent and debatable, theoretical and applied problems of modern geography and related sciences. Much attention is paid to the publication of articles on the major economic issues, connected with the spatial organization of the economy and regional development, rational use of natural resources and preservation of natural diversity. The composition of authors is constantly expanding, being replenished, among geographers, with the names of leading scientists and experts from related with geography industries. The questions of methodology and techniques of geographical research are being highlighted on the pages of the magazine, and the problems of geographical education are being raised as well. The issues of the «Izvestiya» of the Russian Geographical Society» acquaint readers
Digitizing of publications of the Society is being one of the priority areas of the Scientific library o the Russian Geographical Society. There have been presented almost all the periodicals of the Russian Geographical Society and its regional branches till the year of 1944 inclusively.
«The history of the magazine is instructive in many respects and helps to understand the laws of the development of our science, in its strong traditions and changes, in the choice of ideas, objectives and prospects for the future», - Anatoly Isachenko, the oldest member of the editorial board of the magazine «Izvestiya» of the Russian Geographical Society», says.
Photo by Alexander Filippov.