Sociology in the service of geography

The Youth Summer School
The Youth Summer School

One of the teachers of the fourth Summer school of the Russian Geographical Society, which will take place in ethnographic park-museum «Ethnomir» (Kaluga Region) from 13 to 21st of August, 2016, - the member of the Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain) Sergey Shubin, who teaches at the Swansea University. The theme of his master-class is «The modern methods of the geographical research».

The Summer School of the Geographical Society – is a communication platform for experience exchange and transfer of the knowledge on the current state of geographical science to the young professionals. The participants of the Summer School are firsthand getting to know about the most recent discoveries in the field of geography, they have a great opportunity to meet famous lectors, outstanding researchers, famous explorers, and they are discussing topical issues on geography and geo-ecology.

Sergey Shubin is a head of the research center on migration at the Swansea University. The research subject of the scientist and his team – is in particular, Eastern Europe. A row of works of Mr Shubin is dedicated to the integration of migrant workers from Eastern Europe in various parts of Great Britain. A method, being used by the researchers, is being at the crossroads of economic geography and sociology.

We are taking an interdisciplinary approach to data collection and analysis, having got through individual interviews and surveys, with the aim to discover the connection between the movement of migrants, their integration in the country of residence and employment», - Sergey Shubin is writing in the one of his works.

The scientist is conducting research, in Russia as well. Thus, one of his recent publications is dedicated to the system of social protection of the poor in the Russian village (based on field work material carried out in two settlements).

The use of modern combined methods of data collection and a work with it gives the geographers an opportunity to offer the state and society an intellectual product, which is necessary for strategic decision-making. Sergey Shubin is sure that thus, studying the migration flows and the integration of migrants is making an important contribution to the elaboration of migration policies at the country level, association of countries (eg, EU) and even at the global (UN) level for the host society.

The program of the Summer school is aimed at the widening of the various personal professional and business relations, and provides the opportunity of presentation and promotion of their own projects, and stimulates the search for new ideas. The lectors of the School of the Russian Geographical Society – are leading scientists, theoreticians and practitioners in the field of physical, economic, social geography, psychologists, methodologists, representatives of state structures and institutions, travelers, celebrities.

There are invited for participation in the Summer school the students of 4-5 courses, undergraduates, graduate students and young professionals in the field of geography, ecology, tourism and wildlife between the ages of 18 and 35 from Russia and CIS countries.