Candles, Made from Wax from the Sunken Ship, Were Used During the Memorial Service for Sailors

Фото: Alex 'Florstein' Fedorov
Фото: Alex 'Florstein' Fedorov

A memorial service was held in Kronstadt for sailors who died while serving in peacetime. People came to the Naval Cathedral and remembered all those who died this year. The service was attended by cadets of universities, pupils of naval schools, and veterans of the fleet.



During the service, special candles were lit in the church, which were made from wax raised by the specialists of the Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society from the frigate "Oleg" that sank 150 years ago. Underwater researchers thus wanted to show the connection of generations.


Паровой фрегат "Олег". Фото:
Паровой фрегат "Олег". Фото:

It is known that the frigate "Oleg" crashed due to an erroneous maneuver in 1868. It collided with another vessel, after which it sank. There were 545 people who served on the ship, and it was not possible to save 16 sailors and officers. Underwater archaeologists study this ship from year to year.