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The loess layers in the south of Dagestan. Photo: Telegram channel of the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences / IGRAS
The still unexplored loess deposits will tell about the climate of the distant past
Photo of the expedition participants
On June 17, the sailboat anchored in the Turkish port of Marmaris
Excavations of the central burial site of the Tunnug-1 kurgan. Photo: Timur Sadykov
Scientists are investigating the place of the central burial
Screening of Leonid Kruglov's film "To the Arctic" in Beijing. Photo: ANO New City Center for Creative Industries
The film "To the Arctic" showed the audience the high latitudes of Russia
The exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society. Photo courtesy of the Russian House of Science and Culture in Paris
The exhibition was included in the program of the celebration of Russian Language Day
The northern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Photos of the expedition participants
They will have to study underwater objects in the northern part of the lake
Screening of a film made with the support of the RGS. Photo provided by the RGS Center in Serbia
The film tells about the search for the mysterious "Yakut dragons"
Artur Chilingarov. Photo: RGS press service
First Vice-President of the RGS was 84 years old
Khakassky State Nature Reserve. Photo: Oleg Teterin, participant of the RGS’s contest "The Most Beautiful Country"
You can submit your application to the RGS until June 9, 2024, inclusive
Quiz in Transnistria. Photo: RGS Center in the Pridnestrovian Moldavan Republic
The quizzes were held in France and Transnistria
