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30 July 2020

The expedition of the RGS also examines the territory to create a new protected area

"Сплюшки". Фото: Алексей Левашкин, победитель VI  фотоконкурса РГО "Самая красивая страна" в номинациях "Эти забавные животные" и "Приз зрительских симпатий"
29 July 2020

Due to the difficult epidemiological situation, the meeting was held in the format of a Zoom conference

Фото: Юрий Сорокин
27 July 2020

For the first time in 500 years, floods swept across Western and Central Europe

Фото предоставлено Северным флотом
23 July 2020

The group goes to the islands of the Arctic archipelago on August 5

Теплоход "Армения" 1935 год. Фото:
23 July 2020

The website will help clarify the list of victims of the largest sea tragedy
