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Кадр из видео с фотоловушки, установленной в национальном парке "Земля леопарда"
25 February 2021

The scientists of the “Land of the Leopard” National Park shared charming footage

Фото: Светлана Сутырина
09 February 2021

The cat is wandering around the Khingan Reserve "in active search"

Фото: Николай Зиновьев
06 February 2021

The range of the cat has expanded three times compared to the beginning of the century

Фото со страницы национального парка "Земля леопарда" в Вконтакте (vk.com/leopard_land)
13 December 2020

Two-month-old cubs are figuring out which one is in charge

Фото: Вадим Захарьин
07 October 2020

State inspectors of the Russian Arctic National Park witnessed an unusual story
