The RGS And RussiaDiscovery Develop a Project Of Corporate Travel In Russia

Республика Алтай. Фото: Ольга Бурда
Республика Алтай. Фото: Ольга Бурда

The first presentation of the new project of the Russian Geographical Society and the travel agency RussiaDiscovery  "Meaningful Travel" was held at the Moscow Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society on December 18th. Within the tourism project, it is planned to organize corporate, business and special occasion events in the remote and inaccessible regions of Russia for large domestic companies.

The meeting was attended by the director of the Regional Development Department of the Russian Geographical Society, Sergey Korlykhanov; the founder and CEO of RussiaDiscovery, Vadim Mamontov; representatives of various Russian companies interested in corporate travel.

“Participants in corporate expedition travel will be able to learn more about our country, its natural, historical and cultural heritage. During such tours, it will be possible to provide assistance to nature reserves and national parks,  for example, by installing a camera trap or by participating in the development of an ecological trail. It will also be possible to help in the restoration of cultural heritage sites," said Sergey Korykhanov.


Республика Ингушетия. Фото: Андрей Грачёв
Республика Ингушетия. Фото: Андрей Грачёв

“The project will be able to help the regions of Russia. The main income from each trip will go to the regional partners. We can organize meetings with the local administration, local companies that could tell the tour participants about their investment projects, priorities for regional business. For some of the travelers this may be an occasion to start their projects, expand," said Vadim Mamontov.

It is assumed that, as a part of the project, the Russian Geographical Society will engage in interaction with regional authorities, with representatives of nature reserves and museums. In addition, the Society will help with expert assessment of the routes in development, attracting experts to form proposals for the travel program. RussiaDiscovery will make routes for the goals and objectives of the companies participating in the project. Participants of the trips, representatives of large domestic corporations and companies, in turn, will provide information on places that they would like to visit and tasks that they would like to accomplish in the regions.

It is planned that the project will have its own website where travel participants will be able to share their impressions gained while traveling, communicate with like-minded people. In addition, the site will provide information on problems in the region, on social projects that require attention from the participants of the tours.