Write the Dictation Where You Want: Take Part in the RGS Online Flash Mob and Win Prizes


An online flash mob "Write the Dictation Where You Want" will run from November 10 to December 6 on Instagram and VKontakte as part of the international educational campaign the Geographical Dictation – 2020. The organizer is the All-Russian non-governmental organization the Russian Geographical Society.

The flash mob will be held in the format of a competition. There will be four categories in total: "The most interesting image", "The most unexpected place", "The Dictation for a large company", "Udalyonka-2020" (from rus. “remote”).

The terms of participation:

  • It is necessary to take a photo on the topic "Write the Dictation Where You Want", which reflects the moments of preparation for the Dictation or taking it.
  • Publish a photo in a post on the social network Instagram or VKontakte, put the hashtags: #географическийдиктант2020,  #пройди_диктант_где_хочешь, #МолодёжныйклубРГО and tag @rgo_dictant and @mk_rgo accounts.
  • Anyone can take part in the online flash mob, regardless of age, education, social status, religion and citizenship, including various associations and organizations.
  • The number of publications from one participant is not limited in any of the categories.

The most interesting and original works during the flash mob will be published on the website and on social networks of the Geographical Dictation and the Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society with the obligatory indication of authorship.

By taking part in the flash mob, the participant guarantees that:

• they are the legal owner of the photos submitted to the flash mob and have the exclusive right to them;

• the photographs do not violate the legislation of the Russian Federation, do not contain offensive information, as well as information that is contrary to moral principles and generally recognized values;

• the content of the photos does not violate the rights of third parties;

• the participant gives their consent to the use of their name and the photos submitted to the flash mob for the statutory purposes of the Society, as well as consent to the use of the photos in the ways stipulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, including in the reports of the Society.

The winners in the presented categories will be chosen by the organizers of the flash mob; their names will be published on the website on December 8, 2020. The authors of the three best posts in each category will receive valuable prizes from the Russian Geographical Society. The post that gets the most likes on social networks will be awarded the People's Choice Award.