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Regional branches map


Photo by Valery Goncharov
01 December 2017

The opening is timed to the Year of Ecology in Russia

The photo is provided by the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society
05 October 2017

Acceptance of applications for the national award in the field of geography and ecology

Portrait of G.Ts. Tsybikov
05 October 2017

Portrait of the famous orientalist Gombozhab Tsybikov became the basis for the street art

Photo is provided by the participants of the expedition
25 September 2017

The high mountain pass of the Pamir was named after the Bashkir regional branch of the Society

Caspian Sea. Photo by Anton Reichstadt
22 September 2017

The Dagestan branch of the Society and the Caspian Flotilla have concluded a Cooperation Agreement
