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Little fox. Photo by Sergey Kuznetsov
14 March 2018

Photographers from St. Petersburg will speak about nature photography and will share their unique experience

Members in the expedition
13 March 2018

The expedition around Lake Onega, organized by teachers of the Regional Center for Supplementary Education of Children with the support of the Vologda Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, was completed

10 March 2018

Anatoly Tsepkalo,  a member of the Novorossiysk local branch of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society opened a museum of his solitary travels and expeditions

05 March 2018

Nikolay Kasimov, First Vice President of the Russian Geographical Society, has been awarded an honorary doctorate by Voronezh State University

Finalists and the winner of the contest
03 March 2018

The contest was held in several stages. Teachers had to answer jury questions, write essays, teach a lesson in an unfamiliar class, talk with pupils, discuss important problems of education and create their own web page.
