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Фото: пресс-служба РГО/Анна Юргенсон
20 October 2021

The Russian Geographical Society Award ceremony took place in Moscow

17 October 2021

On October 19, we will find out the names of the new winners of the main award of the Russian Geographical Society

Изменится ли туризм и туристы в ближайшем будущем - обсудят на онлайн-форуме. Фото: Алексей Михайлов
15 October 2021

Its participants will meet the members of the expedition of the Russian Geographical Society "RussIa – 2021"

Фото: пресс-служба РГО
13 October 2021

The names of the RGS Award winners will be announced on October 19

11 October 2021

They were discovered during a joint operation of the Northern Fleet and the RGS.
