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The First Vice-President of the Russian Geographical Society, Academician Nikolay Kasimov and the Life Member of the French Geographical Society Jean-Louis Gouraud. Photo: RGS Press Service
05 February 2019

The signing ceremony of the Agreement between the two Societies took place in Moscow

Photo: Viktor Zatolokin
01 February 2019

It is based on data obtained during the project "Russian Heritage of the Himalayas. Continuing the Way"

Vladislav Lachkarev
30 January 2019

He is the youngest man who has conquered both Earth's poles, some of the highest mountains and volcanoes of all parts of the world

Фото предоставлено Центром подводных исследований РГО
26 January 2019

Explorers also told about plans for the current year

Commander Mikhail Skobelev
24 January 2019

This may be the first time in the history of the Society
